October is domestic violence prevention and awareness month. Although many parents don’t believe that violence can happen to their teens, abuse can happen to anyone. According to the partnership against domestic violence, one and three teens will experience dating abuse. Would you know if your child was in an abusive relationship? Here are a few warning signs: 1) sudden changes in clothes and make-up, 2) unexplained bruises and scratches or other injuries 3) failing grades, skipping class or dropping out of school activities; 4) avoiding friends, 5) difficulty making decisions or always relying on the decisions of others; 6) Sudden changes in mood and personality, becoming anxious or depressed or acting out or becoming secretive 7) changes in eating or sleeping habits and avoiding eye contact 8) constantly thinking or worrying about their dating partner 9) using alcohol or drugs 10) emotional outbursts and crying fits. For more information about teen dating violence visit PADV.org.