Dealing with disappointment

Have you ever been disappointed? Some of you are probably like,  “Yep all the time, every day disappointment is really just a huge part of my life.”  Disappointment results from thoughts and expectations being out of line with reality according to psych central. Some disappointments are actually predictable and preventable while others are totally unavoidable. […]

Mind Over Matter

Would you honestly believe me if I told you that mental health is the driver of your physical health? According to Psychology Today, this is a fact! If you closely examine chemical effects on the mind and body, you will see that your thoughts are the driving force. If your thoughts are pleasant or resilient […]

Eliminate Busyness

Dear Dr. RJ,  The holidays are here and I made a vow to myself that I would spend more time with friends and family. There’s just one problem, I am SO busy. I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of tasks and “to-dos” and I can’t seem to keep my head above water. I […]

Forgiving During the Holidays

The holidays are here! Although holidays can be joyful, they can also be difficult as people deal with things like financial worries and all the emotional wounds that resurface when families gather. Refusing to forgive can derail your plans for a happy holiday, but learning to forgive can open the door for you to experience […]


Article Dr. R. Johnson-Verwayne It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas carols, holiday cards, endless dessert, unlimited  parties, and don’t forget those unwanted visitors… stress, anxiety, and depression. For many of us, the holidays bring about the very opposite of what society suggests. By December 31st, at the stroke of midnight, we are […]

Unplug from Technology

If you left your cell phone at home today I bet you’re feeling so anxious confused worried that it’s likely that you went all the way back home to get it right?  Well you’re not alone. According to statistics, 84% of cell phone users claim they could not go a single day without their device, […]

Domestic Violence-how to help

October is domestic violence prevention and awareness month. Often friends and family members who know that their loved one is in an abusive situation feel helpless. Here are some things you can do 1) acknowledge that they are in a very difficult and scary situation 2) be supportive and listen 3) be non-judgemental; respect your […]

Understanding Your Emotions

How many of you feel emotionally out of control? What if I told you your emotions don’t care about you? That’s right, your emotions don’t care about you and they can betray you and don’t have your best interest in mind. Emotions are in place just to give us information about our environment; however, that […]

Positive Thinking–A self care tip

What consumes your mind controls your life. What’s been consuming your mind lately? Do your thoughts need an upgrade? After all, your thoughts lead to behaviors, behaviors lead to habits, and habits create your life. If you are in need of an upgrade no worries! I have nine steps to help you to think more […]

HALT–A self care tip

The key to maintaining a healthy life includes the use of both self-care and self awareness. By taking care of ourselves and recognizing certain signs, we can prevent excess stress. One of the tools therapists teach is called H.A.L.T. This handy acronym reminds us to take a moment , HALT, and ask ourselves if we […]